Originally released in early 2007, together with the retail availability of Windows Vista OS, it immediately managed to attract large attention from worldwide Windows OS users who wanted a unified way of creating, managing, and collaborating with their digital productivity apps.

See for more details, including a listing of dependencies and copyright notices.Microsoft Office 2007 is an award-winning suite of productivity apps from Microsoft Corporation. 2.0 (EPL 2.0) license (see Licenses/license.txt).

UABE is licensed under the Eclipse Public License, v. fmtlib may be a quick drop-in replacement.

If the build process cannot find the SDKs, check if the cmake files in CMakeModules look in the correct subfolders. The shows how a CMakeSettings.json for Visual Studio could look like. To embed the proprietary SDKs, set the PVRTexTool_ROOT and FMOD_ROOT CMake variables accordingly. This removes support for some texture formats used (mostly) for mobile games. PVRTexTool: Remove TexToolWrap by removing the corresponding line in CMakeLists.txt.FMOD: Remove the AudioClip plugin by removing the corresponding line in Plugins/CMakeLists.txt.The proprietary dependencies are optional and can be disabled: The non-proprietary dependencies are downloaded and patched during CMake configuration. UABE can be built within Visual Studio (Community) 2022 using the Open Folder option (CMake). The Utility plugin can export and import byte arrays and resources (StreamingInfo, StreamedResource) within the View Data editor.dae (Collada) files, also supporting rigged SkinnedMeshRenderers. m4a files from WebGL builds and Unity 4 sound files. wav files from Unity 5+ AudioClip assets using FMOD. The AudioClip plugin can export uncompressed.The TextAsset plugin can export and import.tga files (Texture2D only) and decode&encode most texture formats used by Unity. The Texture plugin can export and import.There are multiple plugins to convert assets from/to common file formats : It can create standalone mod installers from changes to.